Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Monster Maths

Today a monster arrived in our Maths lesson- he started eating five things at a time!
We had to teach him about number bonds to five!



We have been developing our fine motor skills by making dinosaurs out of play dough.


Who is JESUS?

We had a great start to our RE lessons -
"What does Jesus mean to Christians?"

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Welcome to Year 1 2015-2016!

The summer holiday are a distant memory as we have been working incredibly hard!
We have been learning lots of new words and consolidating lots of skills that we have already learnt.
We have been gathering lots of information this week.
 We had to describe what we could feel in the bag. We had to use adjectives to describe the objects.
 After we had emptied the bag we began to learn how 'classify' the objects. We are working hard to master this
Our new topic is called Animals including Humans.
We began by looking at food and the food pyramid.
 We then continued to consolidate our skill of classifying food independently.

We then discovered the groups of the food pyramid and worked as a class to make a carpet size pyramid.