Thursday, 21 May 2015

We're Ready For a Holiday!

Day 11...
We have been very busy today. We have had a cuddle with everyone in Year One, we loved it very much. We also met Year Five.
We are going to stay with Mr and Mrs Hilton over half term and will return after the holiday.

Have a lovely break, we may be quite big when we next meet!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

We Can Jump!

Day 9...
We have been really cheeky today, Miss Challinor put us in our cleaning box and some of us jumped out! We didn't run off though, we were only playing.

We loved visiting Reception today, everyone was so kind. The Year 3 and 4 children have been to meet us too, we liked the big children, they were not as scary as we thought!

Year 1 have been designing and making new chicken coops for us, they look very glamorous, we were very impressed.


Day 8...

We are really growing up, we have started to grow feathers.
Today the children started to have a cuddle with us. They were very gentle and kind!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Happy Sunday!

Day 7...
We had a long sleep and woke up bright and early.

We have grown a lot in just a day, the Challinor household is very exciting and everyone is so friendly!

We can't wait to see you all tomorrow.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

We Are Growing Up!

Day 6...
We are having a fun weekend. Eating, sleeping and playing!
Miss Challinor is keeping us busy, so we go to sleep when she isn't looking!

Friday, 15 May 2015

We've Moved House!

Day 5...
Today all ten chicks have played happily in the brooder together.
They have been eating, drinking, sleeping and playing.
We had our first stroke today and cannot wait to hold them next week!

The chicks are off on a little holiday, they are going to stay with Miss Challinor.